After last years successful  "Mini Meet" at the King Cruise we are invited once again this year for their meeting on sunday july 8th 2007.
Due to the great success on our first meeting in Berlikum we want to ask all AMC owners once again to show themselves on this day. We've noticed that there is a broader interest to exchange each others experiences.

As you all might already know, Dave has collected quit a few 'contacts' over the years regarding Javelin/AMX owners. And recently he has expanded this a little bit AMC wide. And on top of that a new club has been founded as you all might know: The Dutch AMC Pacer Club.

So...To all AMC owners: Let us make it an "AMC MAXI MEET" this year!!!

We are offered a special place on their terrain so we can stay close to each other.

Please write down in your agenda:

Sundag  july 8th 2007 from 12.00 till 17.00h
King Cruise (Burger King on Maxis terrain)
Pampusweg 1
1398PR Muiden

To get any idea about how many places we need to reserve we kindly ask you to send us an email to It's understandable for us if you decline due to bad weather.

Click here for the route description.